Funeral office
Cremation services
The funeral office of the Riga Cremation Center – crematorium offers a wide range of possibilities for cremation or organizing a traditional funeral in a cemetery. We have not only the only crematorium in Riga, but also the necessary special transport, as well as experienced staff, who have been providing funeral services since 2004. The building of Riga Crematorium has two ceremony halls of different size. The company has a wide range of partners, as well as its own ritual appliance shop. Trust us to take care of the last journey of the deceased, and we will do it with the utmost respect and care. You can ask questions by 24/7 phone, contact form or other means of communication, indicated in the contact section. Our consultants will give you all the answers you need and suggest the best solution.
Steidzamā kremācija (24 stundu laikā)
Pelnu kapsula, gravēšana, šamota ripa ar reģistrācijas numuru
Lielā atvadu zāle
Mazā atvadu zāle
Pasūtījuma dokumentu noformēšana, arhivēšana, administrēšana
VSAA apbedīšanas pabalsta noformēšana (Covid laikā nenotiek)
Mirušā pārnešana no izsaukuma vietas līdz krematorijai
Mirušā novietošana atvadu zālē un uz kremāciju vai kapličā
Mirušā nešana kapu teritorijā (4 vai 6 cilvēki)
Mirušā transportēšana Rīgas, Rīgas rajona, Jūrmalas teritorijā (stundā)
Mirušā transportēšana pa Latviju
Katafalks „Mersedes Benz” (stundā)
Mirušā pārvešana kapu teritorijā
Mirušā ģērbšana, grimēšana, iezārkošana
Morga pakalpojumi par diennakti
Morga pakalpojumi par diennakti, ja mirušais ir bioloģiski sliktā stāvoklī
Vietējā ražojuma nokomplektētie zārki
Zārka īre mazajā atvadu zālē
Zārka īre lielajā atvadu zālē
Zārks tīrajai kremācijai bez atvadīšanās
Sveces (gab.)
Pārklājs (zārkā)
Tautiskās segas
Ceremoniju koordinatora pakalpojumi (lielā un mazā atvadu zāle)
Sēru runa
Sēru runa - atvadu zālē
Sēru runa - kapličā
Sēru runa - kapličā vai zālē un pie kapa
Sēru runa - pie kapa
Muzikālais pavadījums - elektroniskās ērģeles
Muzikālais pavadījums - vijole
Muzikālais pavadījums - kapliča vai zālē un pie kapa
Muzikālais pavadījums - čells
Dekoratīvās koka urnas
Urnas un kapsulas uzglabāšana virs 45 dienām
Dekoratīvās urnas no metāla, plastmasas, keramikas (Vācija)
Biomateriāla kremācija par 1 kg (slimnīcām)
Mielasta telpas īre
Speciālā pakete mirušā transportēšanai, cimdi
Urnas pavadvēstules kopija no arhīva (vecākas par gadu)
Cremation services
Cremation without ceremony
from €470
If all cremation services are provided by us
Cremation without ceremony
from €675
If all cremation services are provided by us
Special bag for transportation, transportation of the deceased, coffin for cremation, placement in a coffin
Cremation with ceremony from the small hall
from €588
If the deceased is brought into the coffin by yourself
MazāRent of a small hall, candles in candlesticks (8 pcs.), Ceremony coordinator
Cremation with ceremony from the small hall
from €898
If all services related to cremation are performed by us
Rent of a small hall, candles in candlesticks (8 pcs.), Ceremony coordinator
A special bag for transporting of the deceased, transporting of the deceased *, renting a coffin for cremation, placing the deceased in the coffin and sanitizing the appearance of the deceased for the ceremony (depending on the biological state of the deceased), white linen in the coffin.
Cremation with ceremony from the great hall
from €632
If the deceased is brought into the coffin by yourself
Rent of a large hall, candles in candlesticks (12 pcs.), Ceremony coordinator
Cremation with ceremony from the great hall
from €942
If all services related to cremation are performed by us
Rent of a large hall, candles in candlesticks (12 pcs.), Ceremony coordinator
A special bag for transporting of the deceased, transporting of the deceased *, renting a coffin for cremation, placing the deceased in the coffin and sanitizing the appearance of the deceased for the ceremony (depending on the biological state of the deceased), white linen in the coffin.
Each cremation service includes:cremation, a basic capsule, a fireclay disc with a cremation number, applying the data of the deceased to the cap of the capsule, preparing cremation documents for archiving, transporting the deceased to the premises of the crematorium.
The indicated volumes of service packages are indicative, the total volume of services may vary depending on the individual wishes of customers, for example, a non-standard coffin is ordered, an additional decorative urn is purchased, a musical accompaniment with several instruments is possible, a longer farewell is ordered, longer storage in the morgue is required, urgent cremation, etc.
Each case is individual and considered separately.